
How to Repair a Garage Door

garage door springs maintenance

If your garage door has multiple panels, you should replace it. Damaged panels can cause uneven weight distribution, putting extra stress on the garage door motor and frame. Replacing the door can protect your garage from bad weather, raccoons, and other insects. Read on for more tips. In the meantime, you can use this guide to fix minor problems yourself. It’s a great way to stay safe and secure in your garage! The result is How to Repair a Garage Door:

Check the Metal Tracks Inside the Garage

Check the metal tracks inside the garage door for loose screws or damaged spots. In addition, check for loose mounting sections and hammer them back into place. If necessary, replace them with new ones or hire a professional garage door installer. While inspecting the tracks, clean them thoroughly with a concentrated household cleaner. This will remove any hardened grease or dirt. Once the rollers are clean, lubricate them thoroughly.

Next, check the metal tracks inside the garage door to see if they are free from debris or rust. You can also use an air compressor to blow out the dust. You should also check the tracks for plumpness and alignment. If see dents in one or more of these parts, they are likely a bent metal track. If they are damaged, the rollers and hinges may be off-balance.

Check the Tracks With a Level

Before attempting any repairs, ensure you have a level and alignment gauge. Check the horizontal tracks to ensure they’re level and slanted slightly toward the back of the garage. Vertical sections should be perfectly plumb. If the tracks are not level, loosen the mounting bracket screws and tap them back into place. Also, make sure the tracks are parallel to the garage’s walls.

Next, check the tracks with a level and rubber mallet to ensure they’re level. If any areas are flat or loose, they may need to be pounded back into place with a hammer or rubber mallet. If the tracks are completely damaged, they’ll need to be replaced. If you’re unsure whether or not your tracks need to be replaced, contact a garage door repair professional for assistance.

Clean the Tracks

It’s essential to clean the tracks when repairing a garage door. Dirt and gunk can build up over time, making it difficult for your door to function correctly. In addition, pet hair and other debris can cause problems as well. While vacuuming will remove larger debris, the tracks can also be soiled with concentrated dirt. A baking soda solution may help loosen dirt stuck in the tracks.

Another common problem related to the tracks is sluggish operation. Dirt gets trapped in the rollers, making them difficult to open and close evenly. Additionally, dirty rollers can cause the door to hang lower than normal and sometimes get stuck. To solve this problem, you can clean the rollers once a year. A special disc brake cleaner and silicone spray lubricant are useful tools for cleaning the rollers. The silicone spray lubricant will penetrate deep without creating a mess.

Check for Loose Hardware

When repairing a garage door, it’s important to check for loose hardware. Because garage doors open and close many times a day, the hardware can become loose over time. You can tighten loose mounting brackets with a socket wrench, but you may find that a buildup has occurred in the track. This buildup may block the safety sensors. Cleaning the tracks with a household cleaner can solve the problem.

Often, the garage door can be easily fixed by replacing broken or loose hardware. You can replace screws with longer ones or repair enlarged holes with hollow fiber plugs. Moreover, you can repair damage to the wood near a hinge with wood filler and allow it to dry before replacing it. If you’re working with solid wood, replace the hinges instead. If it’s impossible to replace the hinges, you can use the carpenter’s glue to patch them.

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